Where I

t All Began

Our founder Ashley Stem was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on February 13, 2019, and that is when her entire world changed.

“I received the call that changed my life. I lovingly call Lynne “the cancer whisperer” because that is her job to deliver good or bad news to the ladies that have been tested. She had the sweetest voice and I could literally feel the hurt she felt for me when we spoke. The days that followed were full of tests, tears, and prayers. I learned that cancer patients are like snowflakes, no 2 are alike. I reached out to ladies who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, crawled the internet, and watched hours of YouTube videos trying to prepare myself for what was to come. Four rounds of AC, or the “Red Devil”, combo came first followed by Taxol. Had a few weeks off then 6 weeks of 5 days per week of radiation. I have a few lasting side effects but nothing unbearable.”

Even though her journey with radiation and chemotherapy has ended, and she was declared cancer-free that following November, she has a burning passion and desire to help those going through these different treatments.